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USA Best Practices Update

Global Best Practices Awards Program 2020 Postponed. National Pre-selections in Greece, Russia, USA, Italy and Australia, Adjusted

All over the world the coronavirus pandemic has lead to numerous changes of plans. In line with this framework, the GBPAP2020 Final, scheduled to June 19th and 20th in Frankfurt, Germany will be postponed, too. CINET will inform all 450 partners/sponsors, participants, nominees, jury members, country captains, trade magazines as soon as possible, personally, as well. For now, a new date for the Finals cannot be announced yet, but the Event is likely to be scheduled on the 2nd half of 2020. All preparations will be continued. The organization of the scheduled National Pre-Selections of The Global Best Practices Awards Program 2020 in the coming months will be adjusted.

Adjusted Pre-Selections

Therefore, CINET have decided the National Best Practices Awards Pre-selections in Greece (March 15), Russia (April 15), USA (April 16), Italy (April 19) and Australia (May 23) will not take place as planned, as well. However, CINET is investigating the possibilities of turning these Pre-selection events into online-based events and/or possibly schedule on other dates and formats, within the framework of the GBPAP2020 procedure.

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