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State Resources
Legislature meets 2nd Monday of every other year for 60.
Representative term limit is 3 - 2 year terms
Senate term limit is 2- 4 year terms
Legislature meets every year on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January, ending on May 30th.
Both house's members are limited to 8 year terms.
Kansas Dept of Health and Environment
Legislature meets annually in January and lasts 90 days
New Mexico
Even years Legislature meets at noon the last Monday in March and cannot last longer than 60 legislative days out of 85 days
Odd years Legislature meets at noon on the last Monday in April for no more than 45 days
Both house members serve a 4 year term and have a term limit of 12 years or 3 terms
Even years Legislature meets the last Monday in March no longer than 60 days. In odd years, a limited jurisdiction session convenes the last Monday in April for a max 45 days.
Members of both houses serve 4 year terms, with a limit of three
Legislature meets at noon on 1st Monday in February every odd numbered year not to exceed 160 days
12 year term limit on both houses
Session meets the Tuesday following the 1st Monday in January each year for 90 days except once every 4 years when session lasts 125 days
Legislature meets 2nd Tuesday in January each odd year for 140 days
Governor can call a special session which last for 30 days