This is a VIRTUAL Meeting
Meeting Update (COVID-19 Restrictions)
Like all Texas cities, Covid-19 growth in Austin is exploding. The health department calls the growth curve a “hockey stick.” The city and county stay-home orders have been extended through August 15, including language opposing group meetings.
In consultation with SDA leadership, the board and annual meetings on July 11 will occur in a virtual format such as Zoom. Details will follow. The next in-person meeting is scheduled for October 31 in the Woodlands, followed by a rescheduled Austin event March 5-6.
We are aware that this is the time for collegiality and comradery, but the health risks are too great to do it in person. It is our sincere hope that you and your family are healthy and that your business is recovering.
Craig Campbell, SDA President
Danny Bahlman, SDA 1st Vice President
Business as Usual (Sort of)
Details on how to log into the meeting will be emailed to those who register for the meeting.
Specific times may change. Click here for a detailed agenda and packet. Click here for the Executive Committee agenda.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
8:40 am - Coffee time and networking
9:00 am – Board of Directors & Annual Membership Meeting
Welcome, virtual meeting instructions, and Call to Order by President Craig Campbell
1) Motion to combine annual membership meeting with board meeting
2) Approval of Minutes of the 2019 SDA Membership Meeting & October 2019 Meeting
3) Pledge of Allegiance- Jeff Schwarz
4) Invocation – Kevin Kell
5) Roll Call of Board Members - Chuck Hempstead
6) Finance Committee Report & Adoption of 2020-21 Budget - Keith Kocher
7) Nominating Committee Report & Election - Amin Bata
8) Installation of Officers - Amin Bata
9:45 am - Comments from outgoing President Craig Campbell
Introduction & comments from incoming President Danny Bahlman
9:55 am - DLI Update - Jess Culpepper
10:05 am – Committee Reports - new chairs
Allied Trades – Trevor Hericks
Membership – Kyle Nesbit
Finance – Keith Kocher
Insurance / Legislative – Allan Cripe
Education – Marty Moore
Show – Amin Bata
Communication – Ian Noble
10:45 am - Close of Membership & Board Meeting - Danny Bahlman
10:55 am - Update on Texas Drycleaner Remediation Fund - Erika Paine
Introduction of lobbyists Frank Corte and Harvey Hindebran